Sunday, March 10, 2019

Imran Khan the messiah

Its interesting that out of the most notorious places in the world hope has emerged in the form of Imran Khan. Imran Khan is making Pakistan look good. What one man with pure intentions can do for the world is mind blowing.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Trump wall

Is there border security in America? No? Are there illegal immigrants in America? Plenty. Did the previous governments have effective solutions? No. Then why not give President Trump a chance? Have the border security forces tell people what they need. Move forward. Or is winning elections everything?

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The way forward for Kashmir

Kashmir has changed in the last three decades. It is unrecognizable. The first choice as a destination for honeymoons of all Indians is now a place one will fear to visit. Kashmiris now ask for freedom without clearly understanding what they want. An outsider will think that they want to join with Pakistan. What does Pakistan have to give Kashmir? Pakistan is an almost failed state. Tourism is dismal in Pakistan and they rubbed some of their problems of poverty and anarchy to Kashmir. No where else in India, one fears to visit. India's free Kashmir will be a gorgeous place. One can say that the Indian policy of ruling Kashmir with a strong hand has backfired. But then how does a country deal with separatism? The civil war in the US was fought to stay together. Perhaps looking at Pakistan occupied Kashmir will make the vision clearer for rioting Kashmiri youths asking for freedom. What has Pakistan who is so interested in India's Kashmir done for Pakistan occupied Kashmir?